
eGovernment involves much more than just the tools. It also involves rethinking organisations and processes, and changing behaviour so that public services are delivered more efficiently to people. Implemented well, eGovernment enables citizens, enterprises and organisations to carry out their business with government more easily, more quickly and at lower cost

EU Digital Agenda for Europe

Media coverage and the experience of the individual incline to focus attention on the introduction of online services. The roll out of online services does have potential in delivering efficiency improvements, better service and greater transparency.  For many individuals booking a ticketless flight, making online purchases, using a mobile phone banking app or looking up information online are all taken for granted. The limited and often cumbersome facilities to interact with government online are increasingly out of step with that experience, notwithstanding exceptions.

But, online services are only one aspect, albeit the most visible, of a thoroughgoing eGovernment agenda. Technology is an important enabler for improvement but unless parallel changes in behaviour, processes and management are coordinated the impact will be, at best, muted.  Furthermore, in terms of prioritising projects there may be significant opportunities that do not have a, or have only a minimal, online component.  There is a danger that myopic focus on online services (perhaps driven by unrealistic expectations flowing from the sales hyperbole endemic in the sector) and technological preoccupation can place strategically more important projects (in terms of impact) on the back burner.

At teleologica we have been working with the public sector to deliver genuinely transformative change since 2001.  Our landmark projects for several jurisdictions include:

  • customs administration systems that have delivered paperless real time transactional integration between government systems and business systems, sophisticated online clearance for the private citizen that has accelerated delivery and reduced the level of detained consignments, and powerful automated of goods screening and workflow;
  • driver and vehicle administration systems that provide seamlessly integrated services across the whole gamut of motoring related activity, comprehensive online services and radically redesigned processes that span departmental and external boundaries to benefit the business community, motorists and the administration.